lathered in teenage spittle

This isn’t the Kentucky Derby, people. Nobody expects foie gras with their Coke at a hockey game — unless of course the duck fell into the nacho cheese vat. Did you ever consider why fans “never go back” after buying their peanuts and crackerjacks? To criticize arena vendors for upholding the tradition of professional sporting stadiums selling expensive deep-fried bull** to customers is an insult to every finger that’s found its way into the fry vat, every pretzel that’s been lathered in teenage spittle, and every burger that’s resulted in a horrific case of Montezuma’s Revenge. I’ll never forget that weekend.
If there’s any better argument about why we don’t need a new arena in Edmonton, I can’t think of one. A brand new stadium would feature a bunch of fancy hand sanitizers, cleaning standards, and stainless steel elbow countertops that are free of the normal residues that give arena food that certain je ne sais quoi. If Daryl Katz wants my support for a downtown arena, any proposal that he gives to city council should include a plan for how he’s going to deliver low-grade semi-edible “food” products to all of his paying customers so that they can have the proper experience for their tax dollars.

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