
Removal of asphalt stains:

   Bad 2 - Darkness Rising Chapter 312 _4287
   Yun _2570
   The emperor in Chinese history's most highly belov

Such as woolen clothing soiled with asphalt, with soap or petrol is very difficult to clean. Asphalt has not yet dried on the cloth, you can rub turpentine or benzene solution, and then use the soap scrub, and finally with water drift net. If the pitch has dried on the cloth, available 1:1 mixture of turpentine and ether, the contamination of clothing into the asphalt in the mixture soak for 10 minutes, and then squeezed by rubbing, remove, and then clean gasoline, and then rub Scrub with soap, and finally with water drift net.
Read phonetically终结
终结诗/迟落风和飞絮完成了最美丽的一次接吻然后海水泛成了黑色山喷出了血天就蹋下来从此没有了世界这个不叫做世界的地方从此没有了风没有了风来吹抚那些被辗碎的剩下的一无所有再没有了地球  再没有了宇宙再没有了诗歌  和所谓的诗人我对你的相思终于可以在这一天里结束即使是片刻的歇息也好  最好也永远忘掉虽然谁都不能保证  黄昏里它不会在另一个有灰烬的星际里诞生
,mercurial vapor