Four categories of people should eat more fish :
Pig that the wolf is asleep! _31665 心馅月饼 1, gout patients
Because fish contain purine, and gout is due to the body of the purine metabolism disorder caused.
2, bleeding disorders
Such as thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, vitamin K absence of other bleeding disorders to eat or not eat fish, because fish contain a substance that inhibits platelet aggregation, thereby increasing the blood of patients with bleeding disorders.
3, liver cirrhosis
Cirrhosis of the liver when the body is difficult to produce clotting factor, combined with low platelets, likely to cause bleeding, if the consumption of carbon-20 5 acid-rich sardines, herring, tuna, etc., make the disease deteriorated sharply.
4 TB
When such patients taking isoniazid, if the consumption of certain fish prone to allergic reactions, light nausea, headache, conjunctival hyperemia, there will be severe palpitations, swelling lips and facial anesthesia, blood pressure, or even hypertensive crisis and cerebral bleeding.水浒人物PK红楼海选
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